
Friday, January 13, 2017


It is said that everyone has their double. My dad used to look a lot like a famous professional golf player. Once in a while people would stop him on the street and ask his advice for problems with their golf game. Dad always used to make suggestions, which they took seriously. How my dad kept a straight face I have no idea; dad never played a game of golf in his life.

A less amusing mistaken identity issue my dad had was with his name. Apparently it was quite similar to that of a South American drug lord. It gave him no end of trouble at airports. That is, until the drug lord died in a hail of bullets.

Apparently I've got few doubles of my own. I think I'm pretty unique looking but apparently not totally unique. There was a guy who lived in the same town I did, but I never met him. He looked enough like me that strangers would talk to me like I was this guy. Unfortunately my double like to hang around drinking in pubs all the time. People would tell me my lovely wife that they saw me at the pub. The first time that happened I'd spent the evening at my parents' house, so my spouse did not know what to think. When it happened on nights that I was with her, she then understood what was going on. It was a relief when the guy moved out of town.

A friend of mine who lives downstate says he knows a guy who looks enough like me to be my twin. My buddy said if I ever need an alibi he'll take the guy out for a few drinks in a crowded bar. Then he'll claim I was with him the whole time. That's a good friend for you.

Then there was one time when a guy who looks just like me shot three coworkers after he was fired from his job. That was in the national papers. People looked at that and said, “what's Sixbears doing in the paper?” Only after reading the article did they realize it wasn't me. Nice to know I look like a crazed killer.

Maybe I've got to lose a bunch of weight, shave my head, and dye my beard.



  1. Long ago, I also had doppelganger experiences. I was in high school when a girl (pretty one too!) asked me if I was this individuals brother. "You look just like him!". I told her no, I wasn't and just passed it off.

    About a year later, I went to work, when on 1st day, one of my new coworkers mentioned 'You look just like Bobby', who had just quit a month before I arrived. I asked if that was Bobby ****, who as it turned out it was. Some kind of coincidence that.

    1. Indeed it is. Must be a bit confusing to the coworkers. They must think you are at least related.

  2. I had experience with that. Also, there are (or were) 40 others in this country with the same name as mine. Go figure.

    1. When we were traveling my wife broke a tooth and went to a dentist in FL. They said they had her records. She'd never been there. Turns out there was someone with the same name and same birthday. How weird is that?

  3. I am so ugly that they broke the mold so that I couldn't be replicated. So far, I don't think I have a doppelganger,

    1. Don't be too sure. It's said we all have one. However, I would not be surprised to find out that you are one of kind. :)

  4. oh your duplicates exist in case you need spare parts or one of them needing yours

    as for me too damn many copies..


    1. Spare parts . . . nice!

      Somehow I can't imagine the world full of Wildflowers just like you. Seems it would show up in the National news or something.

  5. I had a "double" back in my early 20's - same hair, same beard, same glasses, same build, same style of dress. He was SLIGHTLY taller, but just barely (I met him once). My first wife almost gave him a hug once before she realized it wasn't me. LOL

    1. If he was close enough to fool your wife, he was close indeed!
